Home Education in Turkey Graduate Degree Programs

Graduate Degree Programs

7 min read

Turkish universities offer several Master and Ph.D. degree programs for international students.

Master Programs:

Applications for graduate programs must be done directly at the universities. Each university and each department has their own terms of application. Please inquire those terms at the university directly but if you are not an exchange student there are a list of things that you must do before applying for any programs.

graduate-student1-) Take the ALES exam which is set and offered by OSYM, and get a minimum ALES score of 50. Some universities, however, accept Graduate Record Examination (GRE) and/or Graduate Management Aptitude Test (GMAT) test scores instead of ALES. Please find below the equivalent scores to ALES as decided by Higher Education Council (YOK) :

A minimum score of 450 in GMAT – equivalent to 55 in ALES
A minimum GRE Quantitative Section score of 610 – equivalent to 55 in ALES
2-) If your native language is not English and the program you are applying for is in English, you must take proficiency tests in English. UDS and KPDS are the tests which measure English proficiency, these are also offered by OSYM. Accepting TOEFL or IELTS is up to the university itself. Though most of the prosperious universities accept TOEFL or IELTS results. Some universities have their own Proficiency in English exams. Please find below the equivalent tests as decided by Higher Education Council (YOK) :


If you are applying for a program in Turkish, must take Turkish proficiency exams.

3-) Be interviewed by the faculty staff of the respective university departments on set day. Information of the date can be found on the respectively on university department’s website.

Ph.D. Programs:

Application for Ph.D. programs very similar to the master programs, except that the minimum required ALES score is 70.

A minimum score of 500 in GMAT – equivalent to 70 in ALES
A minimum GRE Quantitative Section score of 685 – equivalent to 70 in ALES
!!! All applications must be done in the time frame stated by the respective university. !!!

NOTE A: A degree equivalency request can be demanded by universities for all these programs (undergraduate or graduate level). For more information please go to: http://www.yok.gov.tr/en/content/view/74/103/

ALES, UDS, KPDS Applications

Please find below information on how to apply for these tests :

Obtain your foreign number/ID and password at http://ais.osym.gov.tr/. This link is in Turkish but if you click the “Aday İşlemleri Sistemine Ulaşmak İçin Lütfen Tıklayınız” button you will be directed to a website where you can choose English to obtain your foreign ID and password. If you can not obtain it, you are required to apply to the Application Centers in Turkey directly.
Pay the exam fee for the required exam at one of the banks stated by OSYM and keep the receipt.
Fill in the application form online with a digital photograph or alternatively make an appointment through one of the Application Centers in Turkey.
You will have to bring your “Examination Entrance and ID Document “, which you have either printed, if you applied online or received from the application center directly along on the day of the examination.

NOTE B: These steps are the same for all three exams. And all these exams are being offered twice a year.

Please find below information on how to apply to these tests :
ü   Take your foreign number and password from https://ais.osym.gov.tr/default.aspx?lang=en-us . If you don’t , you are required to apply to Application Centers in Turkey directly.
ü   Pay the exam fee for the required exam to one of the banks stated by OSYM and keep the receipt.
ü   Fill in the application form online with a digital photograph which identifies you well, or alternatively make an appointment trough on of the Application Centers in Turkey.
You will have to bring your “Examination Entrance and ID Document “, which you have either printed, if you applied online, or received from the application center directly along on the day of the examination.
NOTE B: These steps are the same for all three exams. And all these exams are being offered twice a year.

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